International Youth Fellowship Uganda

International Youth Fellowship Uganda

Mind Education Workshop - Makerere University


Hello. I’m Sim HyoHee Good News Corp Oversea Volunteer 16th class Uganda. First volunteers workshop for MEUT took place in Makerere university. I want to share the news.

Makerere University, The Best University in Uganda, 4th in Africa

I was excited because this was the first time to have an IYF activity in Uganda since I came.  I was also excited to go to Makerere the best university in East Africa

“MEUT” is the big IYF mind education project that takes place in 30 universities every month.

For a month, my senior volunteers had advertised MEUT to gather 100 volunteers. I was wondering how many people will come.

We will have a good time learning about mind education camp which will take place in each university, having mind recreation, listening to mind lecture. For this workshop the university gave us the main hall for free.

Before the workshop was the refreshing performance by righteous dance team. It was funny to perform before university students who are the same age as me.

After dance was orientation about IYF. “IYF is organization working for the youth, it does a lot of programme all over the world and sends volunteers to different countries around the world each year. So it is global organization. IYF aims at leading Ugandan youth in the right direction together with government.”
After that, MUKIYFA the IYF club in Makerere was introduced by the president. the members of MUKIYFA were not many but they had a huge dream. And the mind to rely on each other left no lacking to do big programmes in the university. So she urged students to register for MUKIFA. No wonder MUKIFA will become the biggest and most active club in the university.

After that, the country director Kim Hyeong Jin gave lecture about significance and necessity of mind education. He went on lecturing about the influence of positive and negative mindset in one’s life and why mind education is needed. It was friendly lecture involving the students.  
Those who attended were interested in the story of bedbug mentality by Jeong JuYeong.

“Chairman Jeong JuYeong learned the mind to never give up through the bedbug. What he learned from the bedbug enable him to overcome challenges, failure and difficulty. No matter what environment you are in, the mind you have is important. Right mind and strong mind will lead us in right direction. Happiness depends on what kind of mind you have not on your condition. ”

To all the new volunteer, it would be the first time to listen to this kind of lecture which touches the heart.That’s why they were very attentive and were taking notes on what the director was saying

Mind Recreation

After lecture was mind recreation with GNC volunteers. They introduced mindset in each game and the students freely participated in the game. A lot of students came up to the stage to play game.

Thanks to them, we could easily proceed the games. I felt thankful to the students who tried to do their best. Although the game was only 40 minutes, seeing the student joyful made me happy. We could communicate our heart and get closer.



After the workshop, the students moved out and had chat with IYF volunteers. Then they fill the volunteer application forms. 102 students registered as volunteers. I didn’t expect a lot of people to apply so I was really surprised.

The students opened their hearts toward us so we were so thankful.
This moment was the first step to start MEUT programme in Makerere. I don’t know what to expect. But as the saying goes, the beginning might be small but the end will be big.if we together share our hearts and gather strength then we will happily be able to finish.

It’s been 3 weeks since I’ve stayed in Uganda. I’m thankful to have volunteer work. Also I’m proud of being with IYF.
During my stay in Uganda, I’ve had many chances to reflect my heart. Now I feel the most important thing is to share our heart.
I still have 10 months left, I want these 10 months to be very slow. Though I’m always sleepy, undiligent and negative, I’m very thankful for our members, local people, the country director and his wife to support me.
I hope you guys have a happy day sharing hearts with one another. Thank you

Story: Sim HyoHee(Good news Corp Oversea Volunteer 16th class Uganda)
Photo: Kim JuSeong (Good news Corp Oversea Volunteer 16th class Uganda)
