International Youth Fellowship Uganda

International Youth Fellowship Uganda

Internship Program

The Program:

Established in 2016, the Mind Education Internship Program at The International Youth Fellowship Uganda provides university student the opportunity to spend an academic year working at the highest levels of an international organization, learn and experience life in the diversity of cultures

Work and Available Offices:

Participants intern full-time in one of eight IYF departments offices, working in a range of fields including administration, finance, community development, advancement, communications, and more.   This program provides recent graduates the unique opportunity to begin their professional careers. A detailed list of these offices can be found on our offices


Gain real world experience and applying classroom theory to real world situations
Networking with professionals in your field of interest
An opportunity to test and explore career options
Develop professional skills specific to your career interest ans soft skills, such as team work, communication, time management, etc
Identifying future job opportunities or transitioning your internship into a full time job
Gain professional mentors
Receive academic credit


Participating in the 2017 IYF Mind Education both in Uganda and in Kenya
Recieve training from Mind Education Specialists at IYF Headquarters through reading of published books by the organisation and daily lectures.
Involument in community voluntart work by visiting other organisations like Sanyu babies home, Butabika Hospital,  UYF among others
Clean campaign at Natete market and Mengo market
Learn how to make a strategic plan

Important things
- Fill the Form
- 2 ID card photo copy
- Applicantion letter

- Recomerdation letter


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January 7, 2019 at 2:55 AM ×

Wonderful, thank you for the work being done,I really appreciate.
This afternoon,I happened to come across some piece of paper with the I YF(International Youth Fellowship) and my heart picked up an interest on it because am a Youth and always wanting to know what's around us.
Am a social worker by making in my second year and really wanted to join you for my internship this year how can I get there thank you.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...